Is Toxin Rid Really Effective for THC Detox?

Passing the urine and saliva drug test is of major concern for cannabis users. So, most drug users opt for the weed detox to flush the toxins out of their bodies. Toxin Rid is considered the best detox product to pass the drug test, either the saliva or urine test. Often, people use Powdered Urine, if they have no time for detox. But it is better to conduct deeper detox. If you are also looking for a detox product to pass your drug test, Toxin Rid can help you.

Why Do You Need This Product?

Toxin rid is a detox product designed to remove THC and its metabolites from your body. Don’t worry if you are a heavy smoker and smoke cannabis several times a day. Toxin Rid is still effective in the detoxification of your system. It is also used by light and moderate smokers to pass their urine and saliva tests.

It is important to choose the effective and right product to detoxify your body to maximize the chances of passing the drug test. Toxin Rid 10 days course is mostly used by the drug test candidates to get the desired negative results for the test.

In this guide, you will get detailed information about the use of Toxin Rid to pass the urine and saliva drug test. You can use this product at your responsibility.


Toxin Rid

  • Three-part detoxification system with pre-rid tablets, liquid detox, and dietary fiber
  • Specifically designed for people with HEAVY toxin exposure
  • Starts working as fast as one hour
  • Rids your blood, urine, and saliva of unwanted drug toxins
  • 100% money-back guarantee
See Deal →

Mega Clean + PreCleanse Pills

  • Minimizes your toxin levels in one hour, effective for up to five hours with the maximum effect at three hours
See Deal →

Toxin Rid Description

Toxin Rid for detoxification of your system comes in the form of detox pills, detox liquid, and dietary fiber as optional. The product is available in different courses ranging from 1 to 10 days. A 10-day course is used by heavy smokers, while 1 or 2 days is used by light smokers, and 4 or 5 is used by moderate smokers. This detoxifying cleaner is pretty much of a high cost, about $189.5. But it is considered best for passing the urine drug test.

Toxin Rid for THC Detox Ingredients

Three-part detoxification of the Toxin Rid contains the following ingredients.

Ingredients of Pre-Rid capsules

  • Boron
  • Calcium
  • Iron
  • Magnesium
  • Alfalfa leaf extract
  • Potassium
  • Sodium
  • Chloride

A few ingredients of the Toxin Rid really work well to remove the toxic metabolites from your body via the feces. Most electrolytes like sodium and potassium bind with the drugs and flush them from your body. Boron and Alfalfa leaf extract are also important to cleanse your body.

Ingredients in detox liquid

  • Magnesium
  • Sodium
  • Potassium
  • Sulfate
  • Lithium
  • Boron
  • Chloride

All the ingredients in the detox liquid increase urination for the fastest cleansing of the body. About 20-30% of THC is eliminated from the body via urination, and here Toxin Rid works more effectively.

Ingredients in dietary fiber

  • Psyllium Husk Powder

The Psyllium Husk Powder is a laxative and is optional to use in the course. It increases the feasibility of removing the metabolites via feces. The risk of diarrhea is also associated with dietary fiber, so use it carefully.

How to Use Toxin Rid Detoxification Course

Use the following directions to pass a drug test with 10 days fastest detoxification of Toxin Rid.

  1. Intake 15 pre-rid pills on the test day. Take three tablets every five hours.
  2. Repeat this step for the remaining nine days.
  3. On the drug test day, intake half of the detox liquid with 16 ounces of water.
  4. After two hours, intake the remaining liquid with 16 ounces of water.
  5. Before the test, you have the option of using dietary fiber to ensure the cleaning of the sample. One hour prior to the test, mix the dietary fiber with the 8-ounce water and drink within 2 minutes. Wait for 15 minutes and then intake 15 ounces of water. Urinate 2-3 times, and the leftover metabolites will be removed from your body.

Follow these instructions to pass the drug test with Toxin Rid.

  1. Choose the course according to your consumption of THC. If you are a heavy or chronic consumer, then opt for the 10-day program. For moderate drugs, use 5 days course and for light consumption, you can opt 1 or 2-day program.
  2. Avoid heavy physical exercise during the cleaning course to make the removal of metabolites easy.
  3. Quit intaking drugs as soon as you came to know about your test.

Terms of Use

  • Keep the product away from children.
  • Don’t use Toxin Rid, if you are pregnant.

Does Toxin Rid really work for testing negative for the drug test?

Definitely, this question would arise in your mind how and will the Toxin Rid work. Toxin Rid multi-step elimination process completely clears the system via feces, urination, and sweating. This product is positively rated by users in passing their drug tests. You should be careful to follow the instruction while taking water and this would be the best product to work for you.

How long does the effect of Toxin Rid last?

Generally, the effect of Toxin Rid would be for the time unless you refrain from taking drugs anymore. Keep your system clean from drugs for the time of providing the sample.

Where To Buy Toxin Rid Near Me

You can buy the Toxin Rid on the official site of their manufacturer using Toxin Rid website. Apart from the official site, Toxin Rid is available in online stores like eBay. Currently, the product is not available on Amazon or Walmart.

Toxin Rid Manufacturer Credentials

Manufacturer Toxin Rid
Address: P.O 2011 REDMOND,

WA 98073-2011 USA

Mobile Number 1-877-TOXIN-74

Toxin Rid does not define the exact hours to contact. You can approach them by their mobile number or contact us page.

Does the Toxin Rid detox product is certified?

Toxin Rid is not certified by the FDA. It is a third-party certified lab test for its purity. Canasale Analytica also approved the Toxin Rid for containing pure plant coconut oil as an ingredient. You should check your state laws before using the Toxin Rid. As most of the states don’t allow detox products for lawfully administrated tests.

Additional Products To Buy with Toxin Rid

Everyone knows their condition: how much he is consuming drugs and how long detox program he needs. If you have short days for the test and have heavily used marijuana or cannabis, you should use additional products with the Toxin Rid 10 day program. As the Toxin Rid doesn’t contain creatinine, additional creatinine supplements can boost the cleansing action.

If you need effective cleaning in a short time, use additional products like 1-day, 2-days, or 4-day programs.

High Voltage Saliva Cleanse Mouthwash

As the drugs can be detected by the saliva, so you should use mouthwash to cleanse your mouth. High Voltage Saliva Cleanse mouthwash can help you to pass the mouth swab drug test. Use the mouthwash right before the test as its effect lasts for just one hour.

Pros and Cons


  • Toxin Rid works for different types of drugs including Alcohol
  • Certified for its purity and containing natural ingredients
  • Effective for light, moderate, or chronic drug consumers
  • A popular product for the detoxification of the body
  • Positively rated among the online stores
  • Contain no filler, Vegan-friendly, and Gluten-free
  • Cleanse your saliva, sweat, blood, and urine
  • Manufacturer provides a money-back guarantee
  • Tablets start working in one hour of ingesting


  • A bit costly product as compared to others
  • Not 100% effective to work at any cost
  • It May have side effects like diarrhea
  • Consuming too much water can cause water intoxication

Question and Answers

Can Toxin Rid Be Detected By lab Test?

Toxin Rid pills or liquid cannot be detected by the lab tests. So, you can use them without any fear of detection.

Does Toxin Rid Work For Alcohol?

The plus point for the popularity and effectiveness of Toxin Rid is its working for alcohol. Unlike other detox products, Toxin Rid removes the alcohol and its metabolites from your body to pass the alcohol test. Especially a lot about this is written in an article on Smokefree Class Competition.

Does Toxin Rid Work For Opiates?

Like THC, Toxin Rid detoxifies the system from opiates.

Could You Use Toxin Rid for Test Day Detoxification?

If you have only one day, you can use the Toxin Rid 1 day detoxification course for passing the drug test.

Toxin Rid Customer Reviews

Positive Reviews

The user highly recommends using the Toxin Rid as he passed his test three times. But at the same time, he suggests choosing the program according to your drug level.

The user also passed his test with the 7-day detox program.

Negative Reviews

This user didn’t pass the test after using the 7-day kit. It may be because of his age 69 that the product was unable to remove the metabolites from the fat cells.

The user was lucky as he had not to go for the drug test for his job. Although he was testing positive at home.

The Reddit user didn’t screen negative despite following all the conditions and instructions.


By all the positive feedback on the online stores, we can say Toxin Rid is one of the popular detox products to pass the drug test. It is also lab-tested to ensure it contains natural plant ingredients and no fillers. So it is a safe and natural product with minimum side effects. The Toxin Rid possibly works for the removal of metabolites by feces and urination to pass the urinalysis and mouth swab drug test. Even you can use the day’s program according to your need for detoxification. From 1 to 10 days, different programs are available based on your drug consumption. If the detox products are legal in your state, then Toxin Rid is one of the best detox products to pass the employment test. Just follow the instructions and get rid of drugs and their metabolites including alcohol and opiates. Resultantly, Toxin Rid is a highly rated and safe product for weed detoxification of your body.